
Terms & Conditions for the Acceptance of Boarders at Copdock Kennels and Boarding Cattery, Oakfield Road, Copdock, Ipswich, IP8 3JS, 01473 730212. copdock.kennels@yahoo.com hereinafter referred to as Copdock Kennels

  • All bookings are subject to Copdock Kennel’s Terms and Conditions. Payment of a deposit or receiving a confirmation email constitutes acceptance of these terms. These terms and conditions are available on our website, in reception and can also be emailed.



Please be aware it is your responsibility to ensure your pet is fully covered for the required vaccines and time scale. Failure to comply with this will result in your pet being refused entry and no refund will be given.

  • All dogs must be fully inoculated against Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus and Parainfluenza, and must still be in date at time of departure. Boosters must be given a minimum 24 hours before arriving. For any vaccines that have lapsed and require a re-start, the 2nd part of booster, must be done two weeks prior to arrival.
·         Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus “DHP” Required every 3 years
·         Leptospirosis – (L2 or L4 are accepted) Required yearly
·         Kennel Cough “KC” Required yearly
·         Canine Infectious Bronchitis (Kennel Cough),  

We do not insist on this vaccine however, if you and your vet decide it should be administered we cannot board a dog within 3 weeks of application.  We cannot be held responsible if a dog contracts Canine Infectious Bronchitis (Kennel Cough), as this is a highly airborne virus and the vaccine only covers the main strains so is not always 100% effective.
Please note we do accept all brands of kennel cough, although we do advise you use Nobivac or Canigen as they give the best protection.  Any dog given Broncho shield will be more at risk as it does not contain parainfluenza.

  • No cat can be accepted for boarding unless it has been inoculated against Feline Enteritis and Cat Flu.
  • For puppies and kittens the last vaccination to have been given at least FOURTEEN DAYS prior to boarding. This certificate must be produced at the time of arrival.

This information is required under the Animal Welfare Act 2018.

  • Your pet will only be accepted for boarding if it is in good health and all inoculations are up to date.
    Pets observed to be unwell on arrival WILL be denied admission. We cannot put the welfare of other pets at risk
  • Exact date of last worming/flea/tick treatment and details of products used for worming and flea/tick treatment must be supplied before arrival. These must be done at least 2 weeks prior to boarding in case of any adverse reactions.
  • Pets found to have fleas/worms/ticks will be treated appropriately and charged accordingly.
    We are not responsible if your pet catches fleas as it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that their pets(s) are suitably covered.
    Any bedding left must be clean and parasite free and may be subject to a maintenance charge (as per our current price list).
  • A local emergency contact with full name, address, email, phone number must be provided.
  • Owners undertake to declare any history of veterinary problems that could reoccur while boarding and to draw attention to any traits or vices their pet(s) may have.
  • Medication or Supplements will be administered as instructed in writing by the owner. Copdock Kennels will not be held responsible if there are any adverse reactions to medications or supplements. This includes pets requiring diabetic injections.  These are given at the responsibility of the owner.
    I am more than willing to administer medication/injections to amenable pets but will not attempt to administer to pets if it will cause harm to either the pet or myself.
  • Copdock Kennels reserves the right to refuse admission or request an owner to collect a pet whom is deemed too sick to board or if a pet is deemed too aggressive and a risk to health and safety. No refund will be given in these circumstances.
  • Pregnant bitches will not be accepted, and bitches in season are boarded at owner’s risk.
    Please notify us if your bitch will be in season before arrival.
  • In an emergency or illness Copdock Kennels will contact the owner or his/her nominated contact. If no contact can be made, then it will be left at the discretion of the management to the course of action.  Veterinary treatment will be provided by our designated vet (Unless specified otherwise)
  • I give permission for Copdock Kennels to sign for any emergency veterinary treatment as necessary whilst in their care. I understand that Copdock Kennels will make every effort to contact the emergency number I have supplied and to give up to date information regarding any necessary veterinary care required by my pet(s).
  • I agree that Copdock Kennels may contact the vets that my pet/s are registered with for any details that are required or in case of emergency.
  • Whilst every possible care and attention is given to each pet/s boarded, Copdock Kennels cannot be held responsible for loss, either from illness or other cause.
  • Should it be necessary, at our discretion, for a vet to be called for any health condition/illness, all fees incurred will be charged to the owner, unless this is due to accident or illness whilst boarding which has been caused as a result or the fault of Copdock Kennels. Under these circumstances any fee incurred will be met by our insurance scheme to a maximum of £2000.
  • Pre-existing complaints are not covered by this scheme and any fee thus incurred will be the sole responsibility of the client and will be add to the final invoice.
  • Any health concerns regarding your pet’s stay here must be communicated to us on arrival or within 24 hours of check-out.
  • We have a duty of care to the animals that stay with us and under the Animal Welfare Act (2018) if you own or are responsible for a pet, and fail to meet its welfare needs or cause it unnecessary suffering, you may be prosecuted.  If we cannot contact the owner or the emergency contact then our vet will decide the best interests of the animal.

Arrivals & Departures

  • My hours are dictated by my licencing authority, pick-ups or drop offs outside these times are subject to an out of hours fee the equivalent of 2 days’ boarding.
  • ALL cats MUST arrive on site in a secure cat carrier. My insurance will not cover any loss or injury to a cat if it is brought in to the cattery any other way.

Multiple Pets

  • Whilst every possible care and attention is given to each pet boarded with us, it is boarded entirely at the owner’s own risk. While pets are sharing accommodation, should we feel the need to separate them, in the interest of the animals’ own safety, a relevant fee for the extra accommodation will be charged, when this is possible.
    At peak season this will not be possible, so an emergency contact in the UK must be provided, who are able to collect the required pet if there are safety/welfare/bitch in season issues. Please note no refund will be given for any pet having to be collected for issues out of our control.

Pets not collected:

  • If you fail to collect any pet/pets within FOURTEEN DAYS of the agreed date of departure and communication is not received from you in writing, you will be charged the current rate for the fourteen day period and give the owner of the above business the authority to re-home your pets without further reference to you.
  • All belongings left on the premises are left entirely at the owner’s risk and will be disposed of after 3 months

Deposits, Cancellations and payments

  • All pets will be charged boarding including the day of arrival and the day of departure.
  • All bookings will require payment in full on or before arrival. If a booking is not fully paid Copdock Kennels reserves the right to cancel the booking and turn the pet(s)away.
  • Any cancellations or amendments must be provided in writing / email.
  • We accept Cash, Bank Transfer or Card payment.
  • If the client cancels, shortens their stay or changes dates of bookings, they are liable to pay for the original booking costs. No refunds are given.
  • Extra services such as grooming, bathing and collection/delivery will be charged separately and added to the final invoice.
  • We reserve the right to revise our prices when necessary; rates will go up on the 1st January each year. These will be displayed on our website & in our reception.
  • Any monies not paid by the due date will be charged interest daily at 8% above Bank of England base rate
  • Photographs may be taken of your pet(s)during their stay and may be used to send you updates. They may also be used for advertising, social media, or used on the website.
  • We reserve the right to change these terms & conditions at any time.
  • By signing this contract, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions on every occasion that your pet is/pets are boarded on these premises.
    Failure to comply with these terms may lead to us not accepting your pets in the future.
  • Although every care and attention is given to the welfare and safety of all pets, they are boarded entirely at the owner’s risk.